Monday, October 25, 2010

Typing Assistant v5.4 Incl. Keymaker Read NFO-CORE

Typing Assistant v5.4 Incl. Keymaker Read NFO-CORE | 3.9 MB
Typing Assistant - a program that helps faster typing, completing your frequently used words and slovosochetnaniya anywhere. During printing, the program shows you a window with possible words or phrases, and then shuts it. The program will automatically learn words that you type, automatically expands the first letters of words in full text, automatically accesses clipboard history and automatically launches the user application so that the more you use this program, the more it becomes smarter and more each time more and more becomes useful to you. In addition, this program can be run from any digital media without the need to install as a portable program.

Key Features:
• Work with all programs
• Built-in dictionary with a set of words (English)
• Auto-memorization of input words
• Automatic completion of words
• Automatically record the history of the clipboard
• Launch of frequently used applications
• Easy setup program
• Run from a USB flash drive
• Ease of use

Typing Assistant Auto-Completes your frequently used words and phrases anywhere. It makes typing faster, more intelligent and lowers effort. When typing, a smart Typing Assistant suggestion window opens to show you the possible words you are typing, then, with one key stroke, it automatically completes the word for you. The program automatically learns the words you type, automatically expands user-defined shorthand to full text, automatically accesses clipboard history contents, and automatically launches user-defined application so that the more you use the program, the smarter it becomes and the more you find it useful.

Key Features:
• Universal Compatibility: Works with virtually all programs
• Freely Dictionary Selecting: General or professional dictionary is available
• Auto-Learn: Learns unknown and recently typed words
• Auto-Expand: Expands shorthand to full text
• Auto-Clipboard: Quickly accesses clipboard history
• Auto-Launch: Launches frequently used application conveniently
• Spell Checking: Beep on misspelled words
• Easy to Configure: Satisfies the needs of both fast typist and hunt and peck typing
• Portable: Runs from a USB memory device
• Easy to use

Key Features:
- Work with all programs
- Built-in dictionaries with a set of words (English)
- Lists of input words
- Automatic word completion
- Automatic recording clipboard history
- Launch frequently used applications
- Easy to set up programs
- Run from a USB flash drive
- Ease of use

Note: Looks like the author switched back to the 5.x branch. As you might have seen, the app in our v6.0 release was quite buggy. So, enjoy a nearly bug-free v5.4!

What's New in Typing Assistant 5.4 (2010-10-25)
The maximum number of suggestion items will not always be 10. You can change it by set a value to "Number of suggestions desired" in Typing Assistant Custom Settings>> Auto-Complete.
When you add a new Auto-Expand entry, you can determine if the current clipboard text should be set as the default full text or not by set an option in the "Add Auto-Expand" window.


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