Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Power Rangers Super Legends PCFull Rip

Power Rangers  Super Legends PCFull Rip

Power Rangers: Super Legends (PC-Rip) | 108 mb
Genre: Action | Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios | Release : 2007
5Just in time for the 15th anniversary of the Power Rangers television series, Power Rangers: Super Legends for PC takes fans on the ultimate, action-packed adventure to save the world from evil. Play as twelve favorite Power Rangers heroes from the original Mighty Morphin squad to the current Operation Overdrive. Battle countless enemies, solve mind-bending puzzles, and explore interactive environments in an effort to protect the world from the clutches of evil. Published by Disney Interactive Studios, Power Rangers: Super Legends features fast-paced, martial arts combat highlighted by super moves and gravity-defying aerial combos. In the spirit of the series, players will also be able to team up with a friend for cooperative missions and massive Zord battles.
Hardware Requirements:
Processor Speed 1.4GHz
Memory2 56MB RAM
Video 64MB
DirectX 9.0c
Screenshots :

Power Rangers  Super Legends PCFull Rip

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