Friday, October 15, 2010

O&O BlueCon v7.1.37 Admin Edition (Bootable CD based on Windows PE)

O&O BlueCon v7.1.37 Admin Edition (Bootable CD based on Windows PE) | 356.9 MB
Product O & O BlueCon V7 will help you quickly and without cost "to revive the" operating system, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows NT in the event of failure. You will be able to recover deleted files, and delete the damaged files and entire hard drives.
Protection against loss of critical data, restore your operating system Windows, is not capable of self-boot, and prevent unauthorized access to corporate data, which you mistakenly thought remote. Powerful functionality of the product O & O BlueCon V7 guarantee its extremely fastpayback.
On the drive there the program:
O & O DeviceManager for solving driver and service problems
O & O EventViewer and O & O CheckDisk for detecting errors
O & O SRPManager (Windows XP only) and O & O RegEditor to combat Windows errors
O & O UserManager for resetting passwords
O & O SafeErase for secure deletion of volumes in accordance with recognized standards
O & O UnErase, O & O FormatRecovery and O & O DiskRecovery for recovering data where no backup exists
O & O FileExplorer and integrated Web browser for locating and removing data and www.a2zdl.coming additional tools

System requirements:
Intel Pentium II or comparable processor
512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM recommended)
Start capable CD or DVD drive
VGA Graphics card with 800x600 and 256 colors
Keyboard and mouse
Operating system: Windows Vista/XP/2003/2000
File system: FAT/FAT32/NTFS4/NTFS5

^=^=^No Password^=^=^No Virus, No Trojan^=^=^

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